Doing Good

Cool Earth™

Help save our rainforests.

Mali Mali™ and Cool Earth™ are united in the protection of the world's rain forests.

Cool Earth™ is a charity that works alongside indigenous villagers to halt rainforest destruction around the world. After coming across this charity, we felt it necessary to play our part in helping preserve our environment.

Rainforests are in critical condition as they are being unethically harvested and destroyed to create palm plantations. Mali Mali™ wants to help in whatever way we can in stopping the injustices done to our environment.

Therefore, a portion of every sale we make is donated to Cool Earth.

All of the active ingredients in Mali Mali™ products are ethically sourced and some come from the rainforest. We strongly believe at Mali Mali™ that we have to be good stewards of our world to preserve the resources we have.



FreeSet™, the company that makes our eco-friendly pouches, employs women in Colcotta to help them escape the sex trade and regain control of their lives. Know that by purchasing this pouch, you help free women in South Asia.

Mali Mali™ selected FreeSet™ because they are making a difference.

FreeSet™ is located Sonagacchi, the largest, most infamous sex district in Kolkata, India. Within a few square miles of Sonagacchi more than 10,000 women stand in line selling their bodies to thousands of men who visit daily.

Many are trafficked from Bangladesh, Nepal and rural India. For others poverty has left them without options. The cries of their hungry children drive them to sell their bodies. FreeSet™ is taking women off the streets by offering them an alternative income - and something far valuable - their dignity.

At Mali Mali™, we believe that together with our customers we can make a difference in the defense and freedom of women around the world. At this point in time the trafficking of women and children is rising at the fastest rate in human history.